How Much Is My Home Worth In Bairnsdale?
Real Estate Appraisal Bairnsdale VIC 3875
The median price for a house in Bairnsdale is $445,000 whereas a unit on average is selling for $294,000. There have been 217 houses and 20 units sold within the last 12 months. The suburb of Bairnsdale has recorded a 32.8% change in median house price within the last 12 months compared to a 14.93% change for units.
House prices and rent returns in Bairnsdale
- 2 bedroom home $346,000, Rent per week $350
- 3 bedroom home $441,250; Rent per week $390
- 4 bedroom home $557,000; Rent per week no data
Unit prices and rent returns in Bairnsdale.
- 1 bedroom unit no data; Rent per week $240
- 2 bedroom unit $274,000; Rent per week $300
- 3 bedroom unit no data; Rent per week $380
*Data sourced from
Free Real Estate Appraisal Bairnsdale
Selling your house in Bairnsdale? Do you want to know the current market price of your house or unit? Our appraisers will deliver an accurate appraisal based on recent sales data together with the location to amenities, schools and shops. Our agents will provide this valuation free of charge.
Free Rental Appraisal Bairnsdale
Do you have an investment property you wish to rent? Or, do you want to rent out your current home? Our property management team currently manages over 3600 properties. There is no scenario we have not dealt with when it comes to managing real estate. We use the latest software tools to streamline our services. We deal directly with the landlord and keep them up to speed with the rental of their property.
Bairnsdale Enquiry
Lifestyle in Bairnsdale
The suburb of Bairnsdale is located within East Gippsland Victoria covering approximately 66.4 square kilometres of land. This area is covered by 8 parks which account for 2.7% of the total area of Bairnsdale. With a population of around 7,237 calculated in 2011, the town has seen a small population growth of around 4.8%. Bairnsdale is known for being an ideal base for exploring the East Gippsland lakes including the Mitchell River and surrounding forests as well as being home to some regional finest wineries, breweries and markets.
Looking further into what the average household consists of in Bairnsdale we find that predominantly couples without children occupy these spaces. With this, most people living in Bairnsdale fall into the age bracket of 60-69 years of age and are commonly involved in a professional occupation making mortgage repayments on average between $1000 -$1399 per month. In terms of household occupancy, there isn’t much difference between the three types of occupancies. 35.3% of people living within Bairnsdale are renters, compared to 26.2% of people who are purchasers. Interestingly enough 34.6% of people own their current home in Bairnsdale outright.
Schools in Bairnsdale
There are 5 schools local to Bairnsdale
- Bairnsdale Secondary College-Changing Lanes – VCAL
- Bairnsdale Secondary College
- Bairnsdale Primary School
- Bairnsdale West Primary School
- East Gippsland Specialist School
Bairnsdale Real Estate Agent Contact Details.
Laura Waites
Director of Bairnsdale Office
Phone: 03 5153 2929 Mobile: 0421 472 150
Sean Sabell
Director of Bairnsdale Office
Phone: 03 5153 2929 Mobile: 0437 898 426