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Enable and Customize Social Cards
Use Mailchimp’s Social Cards to customize how your shared campaign URL displays on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Pinterest. Choose an image from your content to feature, and write some descriptive text to encourage clicks.
In this article, you'll learn how to enable, customize, and troubleshoot Social Cards.
Before you start
- Auto-posts to Facebook do not pull in Social Card images, but you can add images directly to your auto-post in the Campaign Builder.
- When your campaign URL is shared after you send, your Social Card will display as expected.
- Don’t use Social Cards with replicated campaigns, as they may display content from the original campaign. To reuse a previous campaign's layout, save it as a template and enable Social Cards in a new campaign.
- Images for Social Cards should be at least 600px wide. Optimal height depends on the platform. For instance, Facebook requires images to be a minimum of 200-by-200px, but if your image is smaller than 600px wide, Facebook will create a more compact display.
- Customize your Social Cards before you test campaigns with Facebook share links or Social Share content blocks. Facebook displays the first Social Card it receives, even if it was a test.
- Social Cards can't be edited after you send, so proofread and test thoroughly.
Social Cards and Auto-posts
When you connect your Facebook or X (formerly Twitter) accounts directly to Mailchimp, you can auto-post your campaign URL to one or both platforms at the same time you send your campaign. If you auto-post with Social Cards enabled, the way it displays will depend on the content of your auto-post.
- Auto-post with images
If you add one or more images directly to your auto-post, your images will show but your Social Card will not display in your auto-post. - Auto-post without images If you don’t add images to your auto-post, only your Social Card will display in your auto-post.
- Manual post with social card
If you manually post a campaign URL with a Social Card, your images and text will display as expected
To learn more, check out Connect or Disconnect Mailchimp for Facebook or Integrate X (formerly Twitter) with Mailchimp.
Social Cards are not available for Instagram.
Facebook will not show your Social Card images when auto-posted. You must manually post the campaign URL for Social Card images to show.
Enable and customize Social Cards
To enable and customize your Social Cards, follow these steps.
- In the email designer, click the Preview drop-down menu and choose Social Cards.
- Under Social Card Settings, toggle the Enable Customized Social Cards slider to a green checkmark.
- Under Featured Image, click Next or Back to choose an image from your campaign, or click upload an image to choose a different image from the content studio. Images should be at least 600px wide.
- Enter a title in the Title field. Merge tags are not supported in this field.
- Enter a description in the Write a short description about this image field to encourage people to view your campaign. Merge tags in this field will display your default merge value.
- Click the X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, and Pinterest tabs to see how your Social Card will look.
- Click Save & Close.
Great job! Your Social Card will display anytime you or someone else shares your campaign URL on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), or Pinterest.
Troubleshoot social card images
My posted Social Card shows the wrong image or text.
There are a couple of ways this can occur, and you may or may not be able to work around it, depending on the error type.
You accidentally chose the wrong image or text.
We recommend you take time to preview your Social Card and double check its content. You won't be able to change it after the campaign has been sent.Your Social Card doesn’t show the image or text that you chose.
Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) sometimes display old Social Card content if you sent a replicated campaign, or if you sent a test email before you enabled Social Cards. Use Facebook's Debugger tool or X (formerly Twitter)’s Card Validator to refresh your featured image and text.
Refresh a featured image and text
You can manually refresh Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) data to show your featured image and text.
Refresh a featured image and text on Facebook
To refresh your featured image and text on Facebook, follow these steps.
- Click the Campaigns icon.
- Click the name of the sent campaign you want to work with.
- Click the Details tab and copy the campaign link.
- Log in to Facebook, then navigate to Facebook's Open Graph Debugger page.
- Paste your link in the field provided.
- Click Debug.
- Click Fetch New Scrape Information to refresh the link between Facebook and your campaign.
Refresh a featured image and text on X (formerly Twitter)
To refresh your featured image and text on X (formerly Twitter), follow these steps.
- Click the Campaigns icon.
- Click the name of the sent campaign you want to work with.
- Click the Details tab and copy the campaign page link.
- Log in to X (formerly Twitter), then navigate to X (formerly Twitter)'s Card Validator site.
- Paste your archive link in the Card URL field.
- Click Preview Card to refresh the link between X (formerly Twitter) and your campaign.
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